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Iranian tanker fire already raising some questions

There are some strange things already noticeable, some questions gnawing, in this still unfolding drama and tragedy of crude oil tanker SANCHI in East China sea. 
Few pics and videos of fire are yet available, all made from one direction and from one position. 
On daylight pics we see tanker’s portside, burned out to an extent, which implies days of fire, not hours. How could it all, including paint both on hull and superstructure, burn out so completely in relatively very short time?
Fire engulfed all of cargo deck, which is rather unusual for such kind of accidents – when fire erupted in damaged in collision cargo tank, it spread around rather slowly, and more often than not, most of tanks remained untouched by fire. Maybe bulk carrier’s bow just dragged along tanker’s starboard, opening hull like knife opens a can, and igniting fire all along? 
What happened to the crew, and how come that the only body found by evening Jan 8 was, understood, recovered from sea? Salvors weren’t yet able to board burning tanker, according to rather sketchy updates, which is quite understandable. Did crew panic and literally, jumped into the sea just as they were, not trying to go to lifeboats or liferafts, or at least taking on lifejackets? Or were they, or most of them, trapped inside superstructure, with all of upper decks becoming unavailable because of explosions and fire? If that’s the case, there should be, still, some people alive, deep inside superstructure. All of superstructure, including engine room, just couldn’t turn into one big inferno, it’s highly improbable. 

On available nighttime video we can see regular outbursts of fire, looking like explosions. How is it possible, and why? Is crude oil in SANCHI tanks that explosive and flammable? 
Voytenko Mikhail
January 9, 2018

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