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Maritime sector talks cyber security in Abu Dhabi September 25-27

CYBER security will be the focus of the Seatrade Offshore Marine and Workboats Middle East (SOMWME) conference in Abu Dhabi from September 25-27.

The conference will concentrate on IT systems at sea following the recent Petya ransomware cyber attack on Maersk Line and the global WannaCry attack, which shut down computers used by Spanish ISP Telefonica, FedEX and Britain's National Health Service among others.

This affected 200,000 computers in 150 countries and followed with the British Airways outage, which saw hundreds of flights cancelled over a holiday weekend.

Inmarsat vice president Peter Broadhurst will speak on "Cyber Security: Protecting the Industry", assessing the new risk factors of an increasingly connected shipping industry.

He will also address how industry players can protect themselves against cyber security threats. "Hacking, ransomware and system outages have long been a concern for the shipping industry," he said.

Mr Broadhurst also said this was particularly true with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the connected ship.

"These risks are heightened due to the significant growth in networks of physical objects accessed through the internet," he said.
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