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Pt Artzi Marina. Persada

Company Profile

Pt Artzi Marina. Persada

Artzi marina persada Crew Manning Ship Managemant
Dear sir/madam..

introduce my name is Mulyadi director from PT artzi marina persada CREW MANNING SHIP MANAGEMANT an Indonesian agency, whether the company you lead requires an agency from Indonesia, and we are ready to serve you wholeheartedly. Meet the crew needs that the company wants, and we are ready provide the best candidate for your company. there are also crew needs that are needed, we are ready to help, from top to bottom officers we are ready to give the best. Please if there is an opportunity for us to join your company sir/madam....give me your job for seaman vacancy, I will give the best candidate for you.anything needed can contact me via email:
Roesmwhts’’app numb: +6280//
Before and after i say thank you very much..

Best regards.

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