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Time for Renewal of Bunker, CLC and Athens Certificates

Time has now come for shipowners to apply for renewal of Bunker, CLC and Athens Certificates normally expiring on 20 February 2015.

Most certificates based on P&I insurance need renewal before 20 February 2015. The Danish Maritime Authority invites shipowners to apply for renewal in due time as vessels subject to the requirements for certificates are not allowed to operate without valid certificates.

Bunker Certificates
Bunker Certificates cover the civil liability for bunker oil damage. All vessels with a gross tonnage of 1000 or above must hold a certificate. The Danish Maritime Authority issues certificates based on applications from shipowners and applications should provide information on, i.a., the vessels’ insurance.

Guidelines for the issuance of Bunker Certificates
Application for a Bunker Certificate

CLC Certificates
CLC certificates cover the civil liability for oil damage. All vessels carrying more than 2000 tons of persistent oil with carbon hybrids in bulk as cargo must hold a certificate. The Danish Maritime Authority issues certificates based on applications from shipowners and applications should provide information on, i.a., the vessels’ insurance.

Guidelines for the issuance of CLC Certificates
Application for a CLC Certificate

Athens Certificates
Athens Certificates cover the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents. Danish passenger vessels in international trade and Danish passenger vessels of classes A and B in national trade must hold a certificate. The Danish Maritime Authority issues certificates based on applications from shipowners and applications should provide information on, i.a., the vessels’ insurance.

Guidelines for the issuance of Athens Certificates
Application for an Athens Certificate

Bunker, CLC and Athens Certificates Expiring on a Date other than 20 February 2015
Some Bunker, CLC and Athens Certificates expire on a date other than 20 February 2015. That typically goes for certificates issued on the basis of declarations on cover for liability (Blue Cards) from insurance companies that are not members of the International Group of P&I Clubs. As the Danish Maritime Authority normally needs to approve these companies once a year, shipowners with Blue Cards from them should take particular note of the need to apply for new certificates in due time.

Adjustment of the Limits of Liability Pertains to Insurance to Cover for Bunker Liability
The limits of shipowners’ liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury, etc., under the London Convention will be adjusted upward by 51 per cent on 8 June 2015.

Insurance pursuant to the Bunker Convention must cover for liability as a minimum up to the new limits from 8 June 2015. Consequently, new Bunker Blue Cards forwarded to the Danish Maritime Authority should state that they are based on insurance with cover up to the new limits. The Blue Cards could state, e.g., that the insurance covers as a minimum up to the limits in the London Convention, as amended.

Bunker Blue Cards based on the standard model in the Bunker Convention take account of this adjustment and remain a valid basis for applications to the Danish Maritime Authority to issue Bunker Certificates. For Blue Cards without a statement as described the Danish Maritime Authority will issue Bunker Certificates valid up to and including 7 June 2015.

The adjustment has no bearing on the Danish Maritime Authority’s issuance of CLC and Athens Certificates.
Source: Danish Maritime Authority

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